Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Life of a cat

Life of a cat

The life of a cat never starts without being born, which is why I'm going to start with it on the first day they're only tiny and they eat a lot of food to grow bigger. Like my cat Tiger - so far I haven't seen a cat bigger! 

Once they start to grow a bit then they can start jumping around wardrobes and causing a mess with curtains. They go “meow” when they fall off, which is what happens most of the time. To keep them from falling off you need to make it so they don't even want to climb. 

If you don't want them to catch birds you just have food out so they're never hungry. You have to change the water every day and you should be all good. 

They climb trees pretty fast with their nimble claws and our cats are mostly careful about crossing the road.  

They love to get scratched in the stomach, head or neck. It's different with all cats; sometimes they can be aggressive and sometimes they can be friendly, sometimes shy and sometimes excited. 

Overall, our cats have pretty good lives.